Gaining muscle has always been a priority for all people involving themselves in training or simple exercising. This needs a good exercise regimen that involves a complex of muscles to stimulate growth as well as a recommended strength. Weight training has always been one of the favorites among people who want to gain muscular mass and definition quick and easy because of the opportunity to perform a great variety of exercises using dumbbells. Here is the list of ten best dumbbell exercises that will give you the quickest way to gain muscle.
1. Dumbbell Bench Press
The dumbbell bench press is among the classic exercises the are commonly recommended for chest muscles development. To conduct this exercise lie face down on the bench, pick a dumbbell in each of your hand and make sure to stretch your arms above let your elbows lock. Slowly put the weights over your chest and hold for a while before pulling them up to start position. Repeat for 8-12 reps.
Benefits: The easiest exercise for working out your chest, shoulders and triceps is the dumbbell bench press, which will help you build upper body strength and size.
2. Dumbbell Deadlift
Deadlift is mainly a lower-body movement and with dumbbells there are so many advantages. Position your body with the feet parallel to each other, dumbbells at arm’s length away from your thighs. Bend your lower back forward and use your heel to push the weight to the upper part of your thighs. Lower the weights down slowly, and do 8-12 of these.
Benefits: Phrased in a little simpler form, Deadlift exercise trains the powerful lower body and core, neck muscles such as the hamstrings, glutes, as well as the quadriceps.
3. Dumbbell Bent-Over Row
For this exercise place yourself with dumbbell in your hand, bend your knees a little and then bend at the hip joint while keeping your back straight. Bend the elbow and pull the weights towards chest, pinching the shoulder blades and then slowly move the weights up and repeat the exercise for 8-12 reps.
Benefits: Bent over rows are specifically ideal for packing on some size to the upper back and the biceps.
4. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Have your feet around a shoulder width apart when doing the dumbbell shoulder press, with the dumbbells held at shoulder height and with your palms facing to the front. Drive the weights up and over until your arms are locked then slowly return the weights back to the original position and perform 8-12 reps.
Benefits: This exercise primarily trains your deltoids and your triceps and the upper chest therefore serves a means of shaping your shoulders and building upper chest mass and strength.
5. Dumbbell Lunges
The second, the dumbbell lunge, work on quads, hamstrings, and gluteal muscles, increases balance, and coordination. Start with a dumbbell held in each hand, standing with your feet double the width of shoulder-distance apart. While taking one step forward you need to bend down and let your front knee come down parallel to the ground. Roll out the opposite leg placing the ball/roller under the opposite foot and roll as far as is comfortable, then return to the starting position and do the set with the other leg 8 – 12 times.
Benefits: They are a very excellent way to build the lower body, and the lean muscles. Performing dumbbells' lunges.
6. Dumbbell Squats
To do a dumbbell squat with a dumbbell in both hands at shoulders and feet position them shoulder-width apart. Bend your body down as if you’re sitting on a chair while maintaining a good posture by pulling your chest up and your back down. Stop the exercise at touch points with your thighs parallel to the floor, before pushing back up to the starting position and repeat the motion through 8-12 reps.
Benefits: Leg muscles, back and abdominal muscles are benefited by the squats.
7. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
Kendall cittern: Romanian deadlift is really such lifting but more favorable for the hamstring muscle and the gluteal muscle. Grasp the dumbbells and make sure your feet are about one shoulder-width apart from each other with dumbbells laid out in front of your thighs. Squatting through your heels, keep your back straight and bring the dumbbells as far down as your knees allow then use your lower back muscles to push the weight upwards. 8-12 repetitions, lift it slightly above the head and then descend slightly to your ground.
Benefits: Romanian deadlifts are an excellent movement for the hamstrings and glutes and consist of massive muscle head implying hormonal growth in those regions.
8. Dumbbell Single-Arm Row
For this exercise, stand a dumbbell on the right leg, take a kneeling position with the left leg as shown by the picture above. Lean from the bust with back straight and pull the weight towards the chest with the arm while squeezing the shoulder blade. Gradually bring the weight down to the pointed position then perform the reps 8-12then switch to the other arm.
Benefits: 1-arm rows work the upper back and biceps with a focus on the upper back, and as the core muscles are engaged in stabilizing the body the single arm row helps to activate them.
9. The dumbbell Bulgarian split squat.
not only is the Bulgarian split squat specific to the quads, hamstrings and glutes but also enhances balance and coordination. Feet: Sheldon be shoulder width apart. Dumbbell should placed at Shoulder level in each hand. Move the leading foot one step backward and reduce your body down to distinctive knee flexion at 90 degrees. Subsequently push back to the starting position and do the same thing with the opposite left leg for 8-12 reps.
Benefits: The Bulgarian split squats are an effective exercise meant for developing strength and body mass on the lower body.
10. Dumbbell Bicep Curls
To do a dumbbell bicep curl hold your arm at your side, feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, dumbbell palms facing forward. As motion goes, you should ensure that your upper arms do not move and, as you contract your biceps, bring the weights closer to your shoulders. Do the movement for 8-12 reps slow lowering the weights to the starting position.
Benefits: When performing bicep curls, you target the biceps hence the name, this will allow the biceps to grow both in size and strength.
The above mentioned exercises are just a few among numerous possibilities of building the muscle mass with dumbbells. Do not forget to include different groups of muscles in your exercises, and also right diet with a lot of protein will be helpful for muscles. When you are out in the gym, if you follow some programmers, adhere to the recommended dieting measures you can gain muscles within a short period of time.