In the course of strength training as well as improving the body fitness, some of the lower body exercises are very essential in the training programmed. Training legs is particular crucial not only in terms of esthetic look of the body, but also to increase overall strength, stability, balance and reduce the risk of injury. In this article, I will unveil to you 12 of the best leg day exercises that you should include in your workout regime in order to develop strong lower body muscles.
1. Squats
A squats is basically an absolutely basic compound movement and most of the time during this squats the body will only work on the quad, ham, glutes, and calf muscles of the lower body. It’s an effective exercise that can be done with actual weights (barbells, dumbbells), or with bodyweight only. The knees bent slightly, and feet were in line with each other, and standing. Slowly descend by sticking your buttocks out and bending your knees, ensure your spine remains neutral. Flooding pause when your legs are perpendicular to the ground and then return to standing position. Do this many time, for the desired reps.
2. Lunges
Lunges are also magnificent lower body exercise that mainly work the quadriceps but also the hamstrings, glutes as well as the calves. They can be done with or without dumbbells which means that they suit all forms of exercises needed by individuals of different fitness characteristics. A lunge is done as follows you begin with your feet spread out in a manner that is equivalent to the width of your hips. Proceed with one leg and bend your knees down until the front knee gets a 90-degree angle with the ground. Slightly bend your back and ensure that only the front lower part of your leg including the knee is above the ankle. Switch legs by sliding the front heel down to the ground, and get back to the starting position.
3. Deadlifts
Deadlifts are compound exercises to improve the pull and work out the back muscles and hamstrings and glutes too. They are also a compound movement which should be a part of any ones training program as they will aid in overall strength and power. In order to execute a deadlift, one needs to stand with ones feet about shoulder width apart as one’s knees should only be slightly bent. Squat with keeping your back to be straight, and take your hands down to just below the knees. Stop, engage your glutes and shoulders, then lower through your heels to push back up again. Repeat such for the total desired reps.
4. Leg Press
And one of the machine exercises that can be used to work the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes is the leg press. This is way better to barbell squats, particularly for those going through an injury phase or those who want to focus on a particular muscle. Leg press is something you must first find a leg press machine, sit on the seat and adjust the safety bars to your size. Stand with your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart; press the platform out from your body with your legs. Then stop, and maintaining the compressed position, slowly lower the platform back down to your hips. Do the necessary numbers of repetitions the same way.
5. Romanian Deadlifts
Romanian deadlift, actually, is a cross between usual deadlift expressed in such way that we will work more the hamstring and gluteal muscles. It’s advisable to use this exercise for people who want to increase the mass on their backside or else develop shapely buttocks. To do Romanian deadlift stance for it begins by standing with your feet with the width of your shoulders and bending your knees slightly. Squat while standing with locked back and bring your torso down, using your legs, to touch your hands to just below your knees. Stop, then sit back into your heels to stand up from your sitting position while contracting the glutes at the very top of the movement. Repetition follows the number of sets as required.
6. Leg Extensions
Leg extensions are a type of a machine exercise that mainly work on the quadriceps muscles. They can assist in approaching this muscle group in isolation and their development will give you a complete lower body make over. To perform a leg extension, find a leg extension machine and sit backwards on the exercise machine adjusting the safety bars according to your size. Standing with your back to the machine and your feet placed under the padded platform, push up on the platform, using your legs completely. Hold and then slowly bring down the platform back to your hip level while being under control. Again for the required sets.
7. Leg Curls
Among other exercises that require machines are ; leg curl which is for identifying hamstring. This exercise can enable you to can concentrate on developing your hamstrings in isolation, which is recommended for general lower limb and balance development. To perform a leg curl, lie on your stomach on the leg curl machine picking up the safety bars to match your leg’s length. Lie down in this position and place your boots under the upward curved surface of the ‘U’ shaped cradle padding ; Now flex your legs and pull them towards your buttocks with your gaze towards your hamstrings muscles. Very slowly, lower the platform back to the original position and then stop. Repeat that for the number of reps intended.
8. Standing Calf Raises
Standing calf raise is a relatively easy and effective exercise for building the calf muscles. These muscles are vital in force production, hurdling, and every other strength from the lower limb group. For standing calf raise keep your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart as well as your toes facing forwards. Flex your ankles, pointing your toes up to the ceiling as high as you can, and then relax again on the way down. For the set reps, keep on.
9. Seated Calf Raises
Another compound exercise that will give good results in working out the calf muscles is the seated calf raise. It can be done on a machine or just a platform like a bench or step. For a seated calf raise exercise, you need to; Stand with your legs’ foot flat on the floor, positioned at the edge of any bench or step. First, lift your heels from the floor, by flexing toes and then lower them down to the floor again. Record the amount of reps for the set exercise and then repeat for the amount of reps recorded on the paper.
10. Bulgarian Split Squats
Bulgarian split squat is one of the awesome lower body exercising that put pressure on the quadriceps, hamstrings, as well as the glutes exercises. Altogether, this kind of exercise can offer a good chance to strengthen muscles, increase power, balance, and stability. Bulgarian split squat simply involves squats with the back leg placing on a bench or step. New flex your front knee then lowers your body by bending your hips backward. Stay in that position until your front thigh is parallel to the floor before lowering the front of the bike back up to the floor. Repeat the same for as many repetitions as you’d like to do on each leg.
11. Jump Squats
This Jump squats are a plyometric exercise that employers in developing explosive power in the lower limbs. As a primary muscle adventure, the exercise works on the quadriceps; the hamstrings, glutes, and calves are also involved. Begin standing with feet just wider than hip inches (preferably, slightly wider if comfortable), in a jump squat. Bend your knees sideways and pull your hips back with your back straight to lower your body. When your thighs are touching the surface of the water shoot your legs up until they are parallel to the surface of the water and with your hands above your head jump into the water. Jump and make a light landing; after that crouch down again. Repeat for the number of reps required.
12. Step-Ups
Step-ups are a lower body exercise to work out mainly the quadriceps muscle, hamstrings muscles and glutes. This exercise could be of advantage in that it enhances strength, power, balance and stability of an individual. A step-up is carried out by standing in front of a bench or step. Stand on one leg on the platform and, sliding through the heel, transfer to a standing position. You back your way up to the first position on the other side of the body. For the number of reps on each leg, do the same.
Here are twelve leg day exercises that can help you develop strong lower body muscles, increase strength and flexibility, as well as reach greater functionality. And make sure always to begin with the bar or bodyweight and progress slowly through the weights as you gain strength and get comfortable. If you want to prevent injuries and get good returns, good form is critical and so is good form on your movement. These exercises should now be included into your leg day regimen to get you on the path to attaining a more powerful lower body.