Sleep is one of the basic human needs and the quality of the majority of people’s sleep is rather problematic. People now spend all of their day working, socializing, and dozens of other activities yet putting little to no care with their sleep at night. This in essence causes long term sleeplessness, yawning in the course of the day and various other health issues. Here, we offer the list of seven life-changing habits when done every day can make a difference and ultimately enhance the quality of your sleep.
1. Get to Sleep and Wake Up at the Same Time Each Day
Our sleep patterns should be very consistent. Your body has rhythm of its own, and it is helpful to go to bed at the same time each night to get the circadian rhythm working for you, which in turn translates to better night’s sleep. Try to maintain a balance on regular bedtime and wake time, including on the weekends in order to help improve sleep schedule.
2. No Electronic Devices Before Bed
The light aggregation from screens of smartphones, tablets and laptops disorients the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls sleep and wake. The latter can affect your ability to fall asleep and affect the quality of your sleep. One way to help you sleep is to try not to use any electronics at least an hour before bedtime, and some pre-sleep activities like reading, listening to music or having a warm bath.
3. Make Your Bed Comfortable For A Good Night Sleep
Your bedroom should be a place for sleep alone, it should be a place that makes you feel comfortable when sleeping without struggling to do so. It will be helpful to maintain proper sleep hygiene so avoid bright lights in your bedroom, loud noises, and hot temperatures. Replace your mattress, pillows, and bedding with the high quality and comfortable ones so that your body would not have to have the uncomfortable position during the day night.
4. Exercise Regularly
Increasing the amount of aerobic activity can even lead to an increase in the quality of sleep and the duration of a rest in a deep phase. Adults should strive to practice at least 30 minutes of brisk walking or swimming on most of the days. It is therefore advisable not to take vigorous exercises close to bedtime, as this is most likely to produce energy that might take time to wear off.
5. Watch Your Diet
Your diet plays a major role as to how well you sleep at night or the quality of sleep that you get. Some negative impactive habits in the consumption of foods high in sugar, caffeine and alcohol affect sleep quality. Rather, stick to healthy, proper diet that can contain foods high in tryptophan – nutrients that are believed to help you sleep. Tryptophan rich foods are products such as turkey, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and soybeans. Also, no cognate intake of food, especially any food that provides sudden energy, caffeine and alcohol in the last few hours before you go to bed.
6. Reduce stress and Utilize Relaxation Skills
Stress also affects your over sleep because most of the times your brain will be occupied with other things like worries. Add stress reducing activities into your daily routine, including mindfulness meditation, yoga or maintaining a gratitude journal. The other method is to keep on control your breathing and the influence on the human body is likewise so gainful, particularly for a decent slumming slant at night.
7. Reduce Naps to a bare Minimum and Stick to a Routine
While it might be perfectly acceptable to take a short power nap throughout the day in order to catch up on ones rest it is important to note that long naps or naps too close to bedtime may disrupt ones ability to get a good nights sleep. The length of a nap should be short, about 20-30 minutes, and the timing is also very important, since if you nap in the evening you may find it hard to sleep later that night. If you do nap, you have to be disciplined with the nap time and time of the day to nap because again they may affect your timing in sleeping at night.
In short, if you add a few simple everyday practices to your life then the key facets of improving sleep quality can be summarized. The recommended steps are: going to bed at the same time each night, ensuring that the bedroom is cool, dark, quiet and free from beeping sounds, avoiding computers, television or bright lights before bedtime, exercising during the day, following a balanced diet, learning how to handle stress, and avoiding lengthy daytime naps so that you can enjoy the numerous baneful of sound sleep. Which is why you should make these positive change today and start living a better, happier, healthier life tomorrow.