Top 12 Ways to Overcome Workout Procrastination


Exercise procrastination is one of the most well-known type of procrastination, describing that everybody who wants to exercise but does not actually do it. What can be seen is it may come from lack of interest, that there just appears to be a lack of obligation on the commitment, or may be the desire to perform other activities. In any case, simply procrastinating in seeking to exercise will result in an affected exercise schedule and less than perfect results for the exercised. In this article, breaking it down into 12 tips on how to overcome the common problem of workout procrastination and define your own fitness plan.

1. Set Clear and Specific Goals

To fight against workout procrastination first define realistic and concrete exercise goals. These goals should be specific, realistic and should have some time line. For example instead of writing do down goals such as 'I want to be fit' write 'I want to lose 10 pounds in 2 months'. Work out goals give you direction and motivation, helping you to make exercise a priority in your schedule.

2. Schedule Your Workouts

Laziness is mostly a result of the fact that most people don’t have that proactive schedule and regimen. This is an area that can be easily dealt by scheduling your workouts. As with any other appointment that one has to keep, try to schedule your workouts at a particular time of the day. And, it helps build some kind of rhythm and it does make it easier to actually stick to the plan and the schedule that you had to lay out in the first place. There are no strict rules you have set that your workout has to be done in the morning, mid-day or in the evening, anytime of the day is okay.

3. Hold Yourself Accountable

To avoid falls into this trap, you need to be sure to answer for your actions all the time and especially to workouts. One way of doing this is by discussing with friends or family members about your fitness goals.. They can help you by asking about or reminding you of your progress. It also may enlist a buddy or an accountability partner who would also be joining your workouts routines.

4. Track Your Progress

Monitoring the workout level well helps the unfit person to eliminate the reason of workout procrastination. It’s really inspiring when you look back at how far you’ve come and with that in mind you remain enthusiastic and motivated towards whatever fitness goals you have. Some people thought that they’ll need a personal trainer, or a fitness tracker, or just a journal that you fill in with workouts, progress, and personal accomplishments. Getting an opportunity to see your improvement is good motivation that can inspire you to do more of it.

5. Start Small

To avoid this, workout procrastination it is advisable to set gradual exercise goals that one can easily achieve. Do not aim high when just starting with exercising depending on the health issues you have or your previous exercising experience. Make it easier for you to always have affordable workouts that can also reduce the length of your workouts until you gain confidence. As always, the key is consistency and creating a routine that takes some time to form.

6. Mix Up Your Workouts

Exercise related boredom is one of the main causes of procrastination. To combat this try and change it up by doing new and different workouts, classes or type of routines. This makes it less boring and at times may help you avoid getting a burn out. You might also attempt trying some new trend of exercise like stretching, aerobics, yoga, HIIT, or even weightlifting.

7. Remove Distractions

Interference is another hindrance to initiating and practicing your work-outs. The environment should be favorable for exercise and therefore many things that may divert the attention from exercising should be eliminated. This may mean not responding to calls, not using Facebook or twitter, or exercising in a room that is different from cooking or washing.

8. Prioritize Self-Care

Working on overcoming procrastination on exercising especially by creating a life and training schedule that does not emit self-care can also work. Ensure that you get enough rest, take good foods and do away with stress as much as you can. Subsequently people should do everything possible to maintain the health and that is the reason why exercising is made easy if the all around health of a person is well checked.

9. Reward Yourself

Rewarding ones self for achieving certain goals in the fitness system can be very effective in preparation for combating welfare and procrastination in the course of exercises. Set aside this reward for something special and select something that is dear to you. This can be just buying a new garment to wear while exercising, eating a meal or even having a spa day etc.

10. Visualize Success

One of the most effective ways of dealing with workout procrastination is by means of visualization. Picture yourself at attaining your fitness objectives and what comes with it. Visualising yourself succeeding could be the motivation and the mental prod, you need for the start and continuation of workout. Practice positive self-talk to supplement your positive affirmations you may choose to pursue in your daily life.

11. Use Positive Self-Talk

The truth is we can’t deny that thinking positive self-talk and Pumpjack can help you fight back workout procrastination. Replace the negatively charged self-talk by positivity that is thinking about your improvement, your success, and the positive effects of exercise. They explain that positive self-talk can also assist in increasing motivation so that you will keep your eyes on the prize.

12. Stay Flexible and Adaptable

Remember also that it is not an easy task to fight workout procrastination and there may be many ways that you can try. This means it may require some trial and error in identifying what is more effective for you to do. If it doesn’t work then try something else, don’t be stubborn and continue with something that is obviously not working well! One will win the battle against workout procrastination and achieve their fitness goals more easily while being flexible ad adaptable.


Laziness can greatly hinder your fitness goals particularly in terms of workout routines, but with the following top 12 strategies, you can easily conquer procrastination and get into the right workout regimen. Stay aware of power struggles so that alterations do not cause anybody distress, and bear in mind that it is perfectly acceptable to take a very long while to make a change. So the first tip on how to begin your fitness journey, is to set yourself goals, stick to a plan and don’t neglect yourself by taking time out to eat right and exercise. The rewards of following this are endless.

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